Hi , .. ssh to ESXI, #cd /tmp Download this file #wget http://hanasavi.ir/download/hpe-HPUtil-esxi6.5-bundle-2.6a-1.zip #esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/hpe-HPUtil-esxi6.5-bundle-2.6a-1.zip reload the esxi with this command : #reload # cd /opt/hp/tools reset ilo to factory #./hponcfg -r Get a txt file from…
Category: Network
GSM modem media & Zabbix
hi , today I use a Gsm modem to notify zabbix alerts by sms , the organization that I work there have billionton GSM Modem: for using this device , we must do this: First find my usb that…
Write a Script and add as media type in zabbix
Hi, every body Today I’d like to write a article about wrtting a script by python and use it in zabbix as a media type for sending triggers by sms: First : create a file with name : ghasedak.py ,…
Basic Cisco Vlaning Command
in this article ,I do a vlaning and you can try this by Packect Tracer,
Auto backup for Cisco Device
For getting back automatically after write a command or on periodically time do like this: #conf t #service password-encryption #ip ftp username myUser #ip ftp password myPassword #archive #path ftp://myFtpServerIP/$h$t #time-period 1440 #write-memory #do wri write-memory command is for…
Setting SnmpV3 at Cisco device
We can use 3 level security for snmp version 3: noAuthNoPriv authNoPriv authPriv I want to use authPriv becuse of more security than other one: #conf t #snmp-server group monitoring v3 priv #snmp-server “Enter-Security-Name” monitoring v3 auth md5 ”Enter-Authentication-passphrase” priv…
Cisco Device SnmpV3 Template For Zabbix
I collected this template because I need a template for cisco devices that use snmpv3 .I spent alot of time on network but I cant obtain like this.here I upload this template for you. for using this template, download xml…
Installing Grafana v5.3.1 on Centos7
Grafana is The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring. Here we installing grafana , then in other post we try to use with zabbix server to have a nice graph an report: #sudo yum install wget #wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/grafana-releases/release/grafana-5.3.1-1.x86_64.rpm #sudo yum localinstall grafana-5.3.1-1.x86_64.rpm #sudo systemctl daemon-reload #sudo…
How To Install and Configure Zabbix on Centos7
zabbix is a great tool that collect data from all device of the network such as Server,Router,Switches , DataCenter sensor’s,UPS, …. Prerequisites: Centos server Step 1 — Start your server and get IP with ifconfig command, Or set new IP…
Create Graph in zabbix
For creating Graph you have to go : configuration -> Host -> Graph —-> create Graph : then do as bellow: Example : Creating graph for cisco device cpu information(we create item’s for that here): Enter a Name and add Items as…